Mitchell Mania 2024
**September 23 - October 4**
ALL proceeds raised during Mitchell Mania will stay with Mitchell PTO!
Our goal is to raise $75,000.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Mitchell Mania is the PTO's one and only fundraising campaign to support various school-related programs, such as field trips for all students and school wish list items that receive no funding from the district.
Plus three new initiatives if we reach our goal: 1) help Mitchell become a 1 to 1 technology campus allowing more individualized learning for different levels and learning styles, 2) fund Science curriculum hands-on learning equipment and instructional materials, and 3) bring the fun to recess with new sports and yard game equipment. 100% of funds raised will stay with Mitchell PTO!

Donation Level Incentives
TOP 10 DONORS EACH GRADE: Slime the Principal if goal is reached!
$500 & up: ALL Below + Pizza with Principal Klapesky
$250 & up: ALL Below + Recess Popsicles with your LC Teachers
$100 & up: ALL Below + Spin the Prize Wheel
$50 & up: Win two trips to the Mystery Prize Boxes
All donations made in your child(s) name will be combined into one total amount
(ex. parents donate $25 + grandparents donate $25 = $50 donation)
- If you have multiple children, each child will receive incentives
- Mystery Prize Box & Spin the Prize Wheel incentives will occur on campus at Mitchell Mania.
Teacher & Grade Level Incentives
Overall highest fundraising LC in each grade gets to Slime the Teachers
Bonus, LC with most participation gets to Slime the Teachers
LC in each grade level with the most participation wins their LC Teachers Starbucks & Amazon Gift Cards.
Online Auction Blitz
**Wednesday, October 2 at Noon - Friday, October 4 at Noon**
The online auction will consist of experiences for kids & adults.
Some items include Reserved Spot in Carline, Principal for a Day,
Pizza Lunch with Teachers & much more!
**Winning auction bids will be credited toward the LCs total funds raised.**
A history of Mitchell PTO fundraising and why your Mitchell Mania donation makes a bigger impact today?
2021 Boosterthon fun run
Raised $81,326
Mitchell kept $43,667
2022 Boone Supply catalog sales
Raised $77,348
Mitchell kept $43,088
2023 Mitchell Mania
Raised $86,311.15
Mitchell kept $86,311.15
*Thanks to our donors Mitchell PTO was able to fund the following new initiatives: a LC sized Nature Classroom (120 students) with refurbished Gazebo, 2 homeroom sized outdoor seating areas and courtyard beautification, Science Pond with seating for a science class, front of school bike area expansion, a new Gaga Ball Pit and refurbishment of existing Gaga Ball Pit.

* ALL students will celebrate Mitchell Mania with inflatables on the playground! ALL proceeds raised during the Mitchell Mania fundraiser will stay with Mitchell PTO! Our goal is to raise $75,000. If you have any questions, please email Thank you in advance for your support! Let’s go Mitchell Mustangs!

Your Mitchell PTO Donation at Work
New Library Furniture! Moveable tables/chairs, lounge-style soft seating
New LC sized (120 students) Outdoor Nature Classroom with refurbished Gazebo and Science Pond with seating for a class (25 students)! Plus, two class size additional outdoor seating areas in a redesigned courtyard with a freshly painted US Map
New expanded front of school bike and dismissal area
New Gaga Ball Pit and refurbishment of existing Gaga Ball Pit
Chromebook Carts
6th Grade HMNS Mission to Mars Field Trip including admission and charter bus transportation
5th Grade Spring Creek Nature Preserve Field Trip including transportation
6th Grade Fall & Spring Socials with proceeds directly going to LCs & other participating programs
5th Grade Fall & Spring Socials with proceeds directly going to LCs & other participating programs
Provide all students complimentary BOBs (student daily organizer) & planner (fall/spring)
6th Grade End of Year Celebration - a fun filled graduation carnival!
5th Grade Kickball Tournament
180 Social Studies Atlases
Red Ribbon Week
Monthly Staff Appreciation & Teacher Appreciation Week events
Publish the Mitchell Yearbook & Student Directory
Design & sell Mitchell Spirit Wear & yard signs
Fund professional development for staff
Fund student curriculum (No Red Ink, Imagine Math, Generation Genius)
Technology enhancements (ceiling mounted classroom projectors, smart boards, iPads, Chromebook Carts)